
Showing posts from May, 2019

Types Of Hair Extensions And Which One To Choose

Today a wide variety of hair extensions are available in the market. Most women, fond of long and fuller locks are always confused which ones are the best hair extension for them. These are available in both synthetic and natural human hair form. While synthetic ones fall into the category of cheap hair extensions and are cost-effective, it is not possible to colour them or dry them using heating tools. Human hair extensions have a lot of advantages and also last longer than synthetic ones. They are little expensive but with a longer shelf-life, they prove to be a better deal. Here are a few types of hair extensions that you can choose from: Cold hair extensions Also called "micro-ring", this type of extension is made from 100% natural hair. The extensions are attached with the help of small rings that are fixed at the base of the hair. These small rings (metal) have the same colour as the extension. This is one of the best hair extension choices for women who want