Everything You Ought To Know About Weft Hair Extensions

These days, hair extensions in Melbourne are highly in vogue. They are widely used amongst the people around the world to achieve a beautiful, fashionable and stylish look. Undoubtedly, hair is one of the most essential elements that define the look of a person. Hair extensions work wonder for the people who aren’t having beautiful hair naturally and are looking for means to enhance the length, quality and texture of their hair. There are numerous hair extensions available in the Melbourne market. Amongst them, weft hair extensions in Melbourne which is made from real human hair are highly popular.

Weft hair extensions come with a unique tape system and can be easily attached to the scalp. They can give a natural look. Moreover, they can perfectly blend with your hair and won’t move around. Given the fact that weft hair extensions in Melbourne can give natural look, people can easily wear them to work, parties and events and can be worn with any kind of dresses.

Several Important Benefits of Weft Hair Extensions You Need To Know

Unlike other hair pieces, weft hair extensions are made from real human hair, ensuring that they don't cause any harm to your natural hair. In most of the cases, it doesn't cause any allergic reactions and doesn't make the scalp feeling dry. Hair extensions made from synthetic hair can cause itching sensations in the scalp.

Besides, they neither look real nor give a natural look. However, weft hair extensions in Melbourne eliminates such a problem and don't create any such problem. They naturally add to the beauty and are easy to maintain. The best part is that they do not move around and remain firmly attached to the scalp.

The only care you need to do is to wash and condition them from time to time. They don’t require the usage of any specialised oils or creams. They also last longer and are inexpensive as well. There is a wide range of weft hair extensions available in Melbourne. You can choose from different sizes as well.

While buying weft hair extension, ensure to buy only from the reputed shops. As there are many cheap online and offline retailers who sell duplicate hair extensions in Melbourne. They are synthetic in nature and can cause a lot of damage to the scalp. Moreover, they don’t last long and fail to provide any value for money. Thus, it’s essential that you buy the weft hairpieces from the reputed stores which are renowned for selling original weft hair extensions, made using real human hair.

Citi Hair Extensions is one of the highly acclaimed hair extensions shop in Melbourne. We use hand-woven wefts to install micro-horizontal wefts which give you maximum coverage. The hair is installed as per your hair type, thickness and texture. We use beads with special lining, preventing hair breakage and allowing flexibility in washing.

Our technician will thoroughly examine your scalp and hair and install the weft hair extensions as per your suitability and scalp sensitivity.  Our weft hair extensions are undetectable and allow easy water penetration during the wash. They are perfect for thin hair and allow wearing hair up too. Our extensions can be installed on hair as short as 5 cm, making them perfect for the people with alopecia.

So, what are you waiting for? Get your desired long and luscious hair today!


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